Lighting the way to a better future.
Welcome to The Beacon Project.
We are a drop-in supporting Mansfields homeless & vulnerably housed adult community. We have an amazing team of volunteers and are funded entirely by donations and grants.
If you would like to find out about supporting us and the work we do just head over to our Support us page to find out more information.

What We Do
The Beacon Project began in St. John’s Church, Mansfield, when five homeless people came into our church for tea and toast. We now have a dedicated building and serve 50-70 people on a regular basis.
We are committed to caring for the spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional well-being of all people who come to the Beacon for help. We aim to provide a welcoming and safe place where people can get a hot meal, clean clothes and access to toilet and shower facilities. It’s not just about food either. We also provide a focal point for other services supporting the same cohort of people including street outreach, drugs & alcohol services, housing support, DWP, and run a Debt & Benefits advice service in conjunction with Mansfield District Council & Freedom Community Project.
Our Opening Times
Tuesday & Friday for hot food & drink:
12pm-2pm with last entry / service at 1.30pm
Friday mornings for food parcels between 10.30am-11.15am
Wednesday for Debt & Benefits Advice 10am-1pm
Saturday mornings through the Winter months (November to March) from 9.30am-11.30am.
We are also open from 9:30am to accept donations on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please see our Support page for more information.
How You Can Support Us
Contact Us to get involved
Support us with your time
As a charity, nearly all of our client-facing work is done by volunteers. We are always looking for more people to join our wonderful team. If you have time to give to our organisation, we would greatly appreciate it, and we offer support and training to all of our new volunteers.
Support us financially
As a Charity, we are completely reliant on financial support from Donors. If you are able to support us in this way we would really appreciate it and any amount is welcome